Captain America Nendoroid Figure

captain america toys

Captain America Nendoroid Figure

captain america action figure

5 Fun Facts About Captain America!

1. He was originally going to be called Super American. It doesn’t quite have the same effect does it?

2. His shield was originally star shaped. Yes, the famous circular shield actually started off as a star.

3. He was the first superhero in the Marvel universe. The famed hero was created to be the ultimate soldier.

4. The original issue got a lot of hate mail. The first issue of Captain America featured the hero going up against German soldiers. Considering the era it was released, this likely doesn’t surprise many people. The problem was that America had not yet gone to war with Germany and there were plenty of people in the US who felt they weren’t our enemies. This led to hate mail and eventually Marvel had armed guards patrolling outside its building.

captain america action figure
5. He was President of the United States. Although this character of the beloved comic was created in 1941 and since then has faced historical figures such as Adolf Hitler, the challenge of the Presidency of the United States was something entirely new to him. With this new adventure, readers had the opportunity to see how one of the most powerful heroes on Earth took control of the most powerful country in the world, albeit in an unusual way. According to its creators, Steve Rogers was not a traditional president, since his work moved away from political speeches and meetings behind closed doors.

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Another peculiarity of this new president was that he did not come from any political party, but accepted the position “as part of his duty.” He must have found a way to protect his country, both as president and as a superhero, a completely new challenge so far. It went on sale in the series “Comics Ultimates,” in which Steve Rogers took possession of his position and faced a new mortal villain. When duty called, there was nothing that could have stopped Captain America from fulfilling his duty: stepping up to the plate and confronting evil in the most heroic way.

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