Neca Resident Evil

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Neca Resident Evil

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Jill Valentine (ジル・バレンタイン Jiru Barentain?) is an American Special Operations Agent (SOA) of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, of which she is a co-founder and one of the original eleven members, making her a respected and high ranking operative of the organization. Jill’s father was French, and her mother was of Japanese migratory descent (referred to as a “Nikkei”).


In the early 1990s, Jill served in the United States Army and got the attention of recruiters for Delta Force. In spite of her sex, Jill was allowed to take part in the six month Operator Training Course, where she excelled in bomb disposal and lockpicking and known for her delicate though precise work.

Some time between 1996 and 1998, Jill was recruited by Albert Wesker for the Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.), an elite Raccoon Police Department (RPD) law enforcement unit in Raccoon City that relied on military veterans and weapons-trained scientists to solve serious crimes. By July 1998, Jill was in Captain Wesker’s Alpha Team; her function in the team was cited as a B&E specialist, and in maneuvers was positioned at the rear of the team with S.T.A.R.S. helicopter pilot Brad Vickers.

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Mansion Incident

“Wesker… You’re PATHETIC.”

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Jill Valentine investigating Bravo team’s helicopter – July 24, 1998
In the Spring and early Summer of 1998, Raccoon City was haunted by the deaths of a number of hikers and suburban families. Their deaths implied both vicious dog attacks and group cannibalism. With the Raccoon Police Department at a loss, S.T.A.R.S. was given orders to head into the Arklay Mountains in search of a suspected hideout. Bravo Team was sent out on the night of July 23, and contact was subsequently lost. The following day, the Alpha Team was sent out to investigate their disappearance and continue their investigation. Finding the helicopter derelict and its RPD pilot, Kevin Dooley, dead and mutilated, Alpha Team was confronted by a pack of dogs who then killed Joseph Frost. Jill; Chris; Barry and Wesker fled into a nearby mansion, while Brad, in shock, fled to the helicopter and abandoned the team.[6]

Within the mansion itself, the four team members split up and explored the mansion on their own. Over the course of the night they pieced together independently that the mansion was the facade to a bio-weapons research laboratory under the control of Umbrella U.S.A., S.T.A.R.S.’ biggest donor. Jill began to suspect Barry was working against the team owing to a series of suspicious actions, but later discovered Captain Wesker had manipulated Barry with threats to have his family. Wesker was in fact on a mission from Umbrella to retrieve bio-weapons research, then destroy the laboratory and kill the S.T.A.R.S. team to silence witnesses. The dog attacks and cannibal murders were found to have been the result of the t-Virus, a bioweapon which had leaked out into the surrounding area.[7] With Wesker faking his death when activating a renegade bioweapon designated “Tyrant”, Jill; Chris; Barry and Bravo Team’s Rebecca Chambers escaped the lab before its destruction on Brad’s helicopter.

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Jill fighting her way through Raccoon City – September, 1998
“It was Raccoon City’s last chance… And my last chance… My last escape… ”
— A note authored by Jill Valentine on September 27.[8]

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Jill arguing with Chief Irons along with Chris, Barry, and Brad – August 1998
After their return to Raccoon City, S.T.A.R.S.’s request for a full-scale investigation of Umbrella’s activities was denied by their superior, Chief of Police Brian Irons. With no support from the American government, Chris, Barry, Jill, and Rebecca Chambers decided to travel to Europe and investigate Umbrella themselves. Chris went ahead and travelled to Europe by himself by the end of August, while Barry went to Canada to relocate his family. Jill decided to stay in Raccoon City in order to investigate the whereabouts of Umbrella’s underground facility before joining her comrades in Europe.

However, two months after the mansion incident, her investigation was ruined when Raccoon City’s water supply was contaminated with t-Virus, causing thousands to mutate into Zombies. Umbrella took full advantage of the situation and sent in experimental B.O.W.s to test on the survivors.[9] Among these was Nemesis-T Type, the result of a T-103 Tyrant being parasitised by a Nemesis Alpha parasite. This creature, also dubbed “the Pursuer”, was sent into the city with the specific mission of tracking down all S.T.A.R.S. members and killing them.[9] Jill, herself was trapped in her apartment until 27 September, where she made a break-out. However, the number of Zombies forced her to seek shelter in a nearby warehouse with Dario Rosso, an aspiring novelist who’s daughter was lost to the Zombies.[10] The following night, Jill made a second break-out, intent on reaching the Raccoon Police Station, with Rosso left behind on his own request. While moving through Uptown Raccoon City, Jill met Vickers at the Black Jack Bar, and was warned of the Pursuer.[11][12] He died soon after when the Pursuer tracked him down to the Raccoon Police Station.[13] Jill explored the police station herself, and found it was no longer safe, with the only non-zombified police officer being an injured Lt. Marvin Branagh. At the S.T.A.R.S. Office she intercepted a UBCS radio signal from Cpl. Carlos Oliveira, and abandoned the station to investigate.[14]

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Over the course of the 28th, Jill worked with a group of three UBCS members: Cpt. Mikhail Viktor; Sgt. Nikolai Zinoviev, and Cpl. Oliveira, himself. This, she did, reluctantly due to their association with Umbrella, though it became clear they were merely mercenaries sent out as sacrificial lambs rather than actual employees. Jill worked with Sgt. Zinoviev and Cpl. Oliveira to repair a tram they were hiding in,[15] while Cpt. Viktor was too wounded to help. During their search, Sgt. Zinoviev was presumed dead, and the remaining three drove the team to St. Michael’s Clock Tower, which had been flagged by the UBCS as an evac point prior to their insertion. The Pursuer attacked the tram, and Cpt. Viktor sacrificed himself in a grenade explosion in an attempt to destroy it. Jill and Cpl. Oliveira made it out of the wreckage, but found the clock tower to be lost to the zombies. The Pursuer stalked Jill throughout the tower as Jill tried to ring its bell as a signal. The creature then destroyed the UBCS helicopter to deny her escape. In another fight with the creature, Jill was infected with a t-Virus strain unique to the Nemesis parasites. Her infection quickly took its toll on her, and she passed out as Cpl. Oliveira fought off the Pursuer.Jill's vow
Jill witnessing Raccoon’s destruction – October 1, 1998
For the next two days Jill lay unconscious in a chapel within the clock tower, guarded by Cpl. Oliveira. She awoke in the early hours of 1 October, understanding herself to be infected.[16] Cpl. Oliveira went to the Raccoon General Hospital in search of any treatments, no longer possessing any of the antiviral drugs offered to the UBCS. He returned later with a vaccine the hospital staff worked on before their mutation. The vaccine did allow her body to completely destroy the t-Virus, and some virions survived in a dormant state. She nonetheless recovered enough to walk on her own, and was warned that Sgt. Zinoviev was alive and should not be trusted. She soon met him at a cabin in Raccoon Park, where she learnt directly that Umbrella was using the outbreak for combat data testing.[17] Escaping into Incineration Disposal Plant P-12A, a dedicated treatment plant for infected biomatter, Jill became aware of two things. Firstly, that Raccoon City was to be destroyed by a bomb to sterilise the area, and secondly that although Sgt. Zinoviev had stolen an on-site helicopter, another was entering the city, with a pilot searching for her on the radio. Jill made it to a scrap yard filled with corpses of Tyrants and a Delta Force unit. There she fought the Pursuer again, now severely disfigured after exposure to antiviral chemicals in the disposal plant. Activating an experimental rail cannon brought to the yard by Delta Force, the creature was weakened further, and left for dead after several shots from a Magnum. Jill then escaped the city with Cpl. Oliveira, and discovered the man looking for her was Barry Burton. The experimental thermobaric bomb destroyed the city minutes later.

The Fall of Umbrella

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Jill and Chris prepare to infiltrate the Umbrella Facility in Russia – February, 2003
“The end of Umbrella is just a question of time.”

Following the destruction of Raccoon City, Jill continued to support Chris in fighting Umbrella. By 2003 the two were members of a private anti-biohazard service. In February, the group received reports of strange animal attacks near a small village in the Greater Caucasus, similar to what happened in the Arklays.[18] Chris and Jill investigated the village, and found it had already fallen to a t-Virus outbreak, with a young child, Anna, the only uninfected survivor, who had been hid by her parents. Many of the villagers were found within a grain silo, in a doomed attempt to hide. Escaping the building, they ran into Dr. Wesker, who was also investigating the reports for his own purposes.[18] He could not be apprehended, however, due to the sudden arrival of Hunter δs. The two did discover from him, however, that the villagers were involved with Umbrella and were storing B.O.W.s. Dr. Wesker seized Anna’s locket and used it to open a safe in her house to get information on the company. They narrowly escaped as a bomb detonated inside, having been planted there on the expectation that Wesker or someone like him would try to open it. Though Jill and Chris had failed to stop Wesker before his escape, they did find proof that the nearby chemical works was an Umbrella base.

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The following day, Jill and Chris took part in a large operation with the rest of the private anti-biohazard service to capture the chemical plant and end B.O.W. production there. They arrived to find the biohazard had completely engulfed the facility. Chris and Jill got the attention of Colonel Sergei Vladimir, the former leader of Umbrella’s UBCS, and were made to fight T-A.L.O.S., a computer-aided, armoured Tyrant. T-A.L.O.S. was successfully taken down, against Col. Vladimir’s expectations, and the facility was captured. However, they failed to gain access to Umbrella’s data, as Dr. Wesker had already wiped its hard drive. Umbrella nonetheless fell, however, when he decided to hand this data over to the US government, leading to the corporation’s bankruptcy.

Il Veltro Conspiracy

“Where are you, Chris…”

Jill and Parker investigate the Queen Zenobia – 2005
In 2004, the city of Terragrigia was destroyed by the Regia Solis satellite under orders of the FBC due to a massive biohazard outbreak. The city was attacked by a terrorist organization known as Il Veltro. A year later in 2005, mysterious carcasses started appearing on the beach near the ruins of Terragrigia. Jill Valentine and Parker Luciani were sent to investigate by call of (then current) BSAA Director, Clive R. O’Brian, whom they met up with at the restricted area on the beach near the ruins of Terragrigia. After completing their mission there, O’Brian informed them that B.S.A.A agents Chris Redfield and Jessica Sherawat had been declared missing. Their last known location was somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.

Jill and Parker found a massive cruise liner called the Queen Zenobia and boarded it; as these were Chris’ last reported coordinates, it was logical to assume he was on a ship. Upon boarding, Jill and Parker found the crew dead and the ship overrun with new B.O.W.s. After fighting one, Jill decided to go on her own to look for Chris, leaving Parker behind to make sure the B.O.W they killed was really dead. She found a room, with a man seemingly tied up that resembled Chris and subsequently reported it to Parker, and then began to search for a key to the room. Along the way, Jill came across a pair of Ooze attacking and killing a woman (whom later turns out to be an FBC agent known as Rachel Foley) and feed from her body’s water.

While she was unable to find any information on the woman’s identity, she found the Crew Quarters Key on her person and headed back to the room she saw Chris, in meeting up with Parker there; entering it, they found out that it was only a dummy fashioned to look like Chris. Gas was then blasted into the room, knocking Jill and Parker unconscious. When Jill awoke, she found herself separated from Parker and on what appeared to be the passenger living quarters in the lower parts of the ship. Parker and Jill realized that their weapons had been taken and had to meet back up with each other to get them back. Several Ooze wander through the halls and rooms of the various parts of the passenger living quarters; Jill and Parker were forced to dodge and run past them in order to meet up with each other.

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