Neca Resident Evil

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Neca Resident Evil

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Jill Valentine (ジル・バレンタイン Jiru Barentain?) is an American Special Operations Agent (SOA) of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, of which she is a co-founder and one of the original eleven members, making her a respected and high ranking operative of the organization. Jill’s father was French, and her mother was of Japanese migratory descent (referred to as a “Nikkei”).


In the early 1990s, Jill served in the United States Army and got the attention of recruiters for Delta Force. In spite of her sex, Jill was allowed to take part in the six month Operator Training Course, where she excelled in bomb disposal and lockpicking and known for her delicate though precise work.

Some time between 1996 and 1998, Jill was recruited by Albert Wesker for the Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.), an elite Raccoon Police Department (RPD) law enforcement unit in Raccoon City that relied on military veterans and weapons-trained scientists to solve serious crimes. By July 1998, Jill was in Captain Wesker’s Alpha Team; her function in the team was cited as a B&E specialist, and in maneuvers was positioned at the rear of the team with S.T.A.R.S. helicopter pilot Brad Vickers.

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Mansion Incident

“Wesker… You’re PATHETIC.”

Джилл в ролике REsident Evil Remake
Jill Valentine investigating Bravo team’s helicopter – July 24, 1998
In the Spring and early Summer of 1998, Raccoon City was haunted by the deaths of a number of hikers and suburban families. Their deaths implied both vicious dog attacks and group cannibalism. With the Raccoon Police Department at a loss, S.T.A.R.S. was given orders to head into the Arklay Mountains in search of a suspected hideout. Bravo Team was sent out on the night of July 23, and contact was subsequently lost. The following day, the Alpha Team was sent out to investigate their disappearance and continue their investigation. Finding the helicopter derelict and its RPD pilot, Kevin Dooley, dead and mutilated, Alpha Team was confronted by a pack of dogs who then killed Joseph Frost. Jill; Chris; Barry and Wesker fled into a nearby mansion, while Brad, in shock, fled to the helicopter and abandoned the team.[6]

Within the mansion itself, the four team members split up and explored the mansion on their own. Over the course of the night they pieced together independently that the mansion was the facade to a bio-weapons research laboratory under the control of Umbrella U.S.A., S.T.A.R.S.’ biggest donor. Jill began to suspect Barry was working against the team owing to a series of suspicious actions, but later discovered Captain Wesker had manipulated Barry with threats to have his family. Wesker was in fact on a mission from Umbrella to retrieve bio-weapons research, then destroy the laboratory and kill the S.T.A.R.S. team to silence witnesses. The dog attacks and cannibal murders were found to have been the result of the t-Virus, a bioweapon which had leaked out into the surrounding area.[7] With Wesker faking his death when activating a renegade bioweapon designated “Tyrant”, Jill; Chris; Barry and Bravo Team’s Rebecca Chambers escaped the lab before its destruction on Brad’s helicopter.

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Jill UC
Jill fighting her way through Raccoon City – September, 1998
“It was Raccoon City’s last chance… And my last chance… My last escape… ”
— A note authored by Jill Valentine on September 27.[8]

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Jill arguing with Chief Irons along with Chris, Barry, and Brad – August 1998
After their return to Raccoon City, S.T.A.R.S.’s request for a full-scale investigation of Umbrella’s activities was denied by their superior, Chief of Police Brian Irons. With no support from the American government, Chris, Barry, Jill, and Rebecca Chambers decided to travel to Europe and investigate Umbrella themselves. Chris went ahead and travelled to Europe by himself by the end of August, while Barry went to Canada to relocate his family. Jill decided to stay in Raccoon City in order to investigate the whereabouts of Umbrella’s underground facility before joining her comrades in Europe.

However, two months after the mansion incident, her investigation was ruined when Raccoon City’s water supply was contaminated with t-Virus, causing thousands to mutate into Zombies. Umbrella took full advantage of the situation and sent in experimental B.O.W.s to test on the survivors.[9] Among these was Nemesis-T Type, the result of a T-103 Tyrant being parasitised by a Nemesis Alpha parasite. This creature, also dubbed “the Pursuer”, was sent into the city with the specific mission of tracking down all S.T.A.R.S. members and killing them.[9] Jill, herself was trapped in her apartment until 27 September, where she made a break-out. However, the number of Zombies forced her to seek shelter in a nearby warehouse with Dario Rosso, an aspiring novelist who’s daughter was lost to the Zombies.[10] The following night, Jill made a second break-out, intent on reaching the Raccoon Police Station, with Rosso left behind on his own request. While moving through Uptown Raccoon City, Jill met Vickers at the Black Jack Bar, and was warned of the Pursuer.[11][12] He died soon after when the Pursuer tracked him down to the Raccoon Police Station.[13] Jill explored the police station herself, and found it was no longer safe, with the only non-zombified police officer being an injured Lt. Marvin Branagh. At the S.T.A.R.S. Office she intercepted a UBCS radio signal from Cpl. Carlos Oliveira, and abandoned the station to investigate.[14]

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Over the course of the 28th, Jill worked with a group of three UBCS members: Cpt. Mikhail Viktor; Sgt. Nikolai Zinoviev, and Cpl. Oliveira, himself. This, she did, reluctantly due to their association with Umbrella, though it became clear they were merely mercenaries sent out as sacrificial lambs rather than actual employees. Jill worked with Sgt. Zinoviev and Cpl. Oliveira to repair a tram they were hiding in,[15] while Cpt. Viktor was too wounded to help. During their search, Sgt. Zinoviev was presumed dead, and the remaining three drove the team to St. Michael’s Clock Tower, which had been flagged by the UBCS as an evac point prior to their insertion. The Pursuer attacked the tram, and Cpt. Viktor sacrificed himself in a grenade explosion in an attempt to destroy it. Jill and Cpl. Oliveira made it out of the wreckage, but found the clock tower to be lost to the zombies. The Pursuer stalked Jill throughout the tower as Jill tried to ring its bell as a signal. The creature then destroyed the UBCS helicopter to deny her escape. In another fight with the creature, Jill was infected with a t-Virus strain unique to the Nemesis parasites. Her infection quickly took its toll on her, and she passed out as Cpl. Oliveira fought off the Pursuer.Jill's vow
Jill witnessing Raccoon’s destruction – October 1, 1998
For the next two days Jill lay unconscious in a chapel within the clock tower, guarded by Cpl. Oliveira. She awoke in the early hours of 1 October, understanding herself to be infected.[16] Cpl. Oliveira went to the Raccoon General Hospital in search of any treatments, no longer possessing any of the antiviral drugs offered to the UBCS. He returned later with a vaccine the hospital staff worked on before their mutation. The vaccine did allow her body to completely destroy the t-Virus, and some virions survived in a dormant state. She nonetheless recovered enough to walk on her own, and was warned that Sgt. Zinoviev was alive and should not be trusted. She soon met him at a cabin in Raccoon Park, where she learnt directly that Umbrella was using the outbreak for combat data testing.[17] Escaping into Incineration Disposal Plant P-12A, a dedicated treatment plant for infected biomatter, Jill became aware of two things. Firstly, that Raccoon City was to be destroyed by a bomb to sterilise the area, and secondly that although Sgt. Zinoviev had stolen an on-site helicopter, another was entering the city, with a pilot searching for her on the radio. Jill made it to a scrap yard filled with corpses of Tyrants and a Delta Force unit. There she fought the Pursuer again, now severely disfigured after exposure to antiviral chemicals in the disposal plant. Activating an experimental rail cannon brought to the yard by Delta Force, the creature was weakened further, and left for dead after several shots from a Magnum. Jill then escaped the city with Cpl. Oliveira, and discovered the man looking for her was Barry Burton. The experimental thermobaric bomb destroyed the city minutes later.

The Fall of Umbrella

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Jill and Chris prepare to infiltrate the Umbrella Facility in Russia – February, 2003
“The end of Umbrella is just a question of time.”

Following the destruction of Raccoon City, Jill continued to support Chris in fighting Umbrella. By 2003 the two were members of a private anti-biohazard service. In February, the group received reports of strange animal attacks near a small village in the Greater Caucasus, similar to what happened in the Arklays.[18] Chris and Jill investigated the village, and found it had already fallen to a t-Virus outbreak, with a young child, Anna, the only uninfected survivor, who had been hid by her parents. Many of the villagers were found within a grain silo, in a doomed attempt to hide. Escaping the building, they ran into Dr. Wesker, who was also investigating the reports for his own purposes.[18] He could not be apprehended, however, due to the sudden arrival of Hunter δs. The two did discover from him, however, that the villagers were involved with Umbrella and were storing B.O.W.s. Dr. Wesker seized Anna’s locket and used it to open a safe in her house to get information on the company. They narrowly escaped as a bomb detonated inside, having been planted there on the expectation that Wesker or someone like him would try to open it. Though Jill and Chris had failed to stop Wesker before his escape, they did find proof that the nearby chemical works was an Umbrella base.

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The following day, Jill and Chris took part in a large operation with the rest of the private anti-biohazard service to capture the chemical plant and end B.O.W. production there. They arrived to find the biohazard had completely engulfed the facility. Chris and Jill got the attention of Colonel Sergei Vladimir, the former leader of Umbrella’s UBCS, and were made to fight T-A.L.O.S., a computer-aided, armoured Tyrant. T-A.L.O.S. was successfully taken down, against Col. Vladimir’s expectations, and the facility was captured. However, they failed to gain access to Umbrella’s data, as Dr. Wesker had already wiped its hard drive. Umbrella nonetheless fell, however, when he decided to hand this data over to the US government, leading to the corporation’s bankruptcy.

Il Veltro Conspiracy

“Where are you, Chris…”

Jill and Parker investigate the Queen Zenobia – 2005
In 2004, the city of Terragrigia was destroyed by the Regia Solis satellite under orders of the FBC due to a massive biohazard outbreak. The city was attacked by a terrorist organization known as Il Veltro. A year later in 2005, mysterious carcasses started appearing on the beach near the ruins of Terragrigia. Jill Valentine and Parker Luciani were sent to investigate by call of (then current) BSAA Director, Clive R. O’Brian, whom they met up with at the restricted area on the beach near the ruins of Terragrigia. After completing their mission there, O’Brian informed them that B.S.A.A agents Chris Redfield and Jessica Sherawat had been declared missing. Their last known location was somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.

Jill and Parker found a massive cruise liner called the Queen Zenobia and boarded it; as these were Chris’ last reported coordinates, it was logical to assume he was on a ship. Upon boarding, Jill and Parker found the crew dead and the ship overrun with new B.O.W.s. After fighting one, Jill decided to go on her own to look for Chris, leaving Parker behind to make sure the B.O.W they killed was really dead. She found a room, with a man seemingly tied up that resembled Chris and subsequently reported it to Parker, and then began to search for a key to the room. Along the way, Jill came across a pair of Ooze attacking and killing a woman (whom later turns out to be an FBC agent known as Rachel Foley) and feed from her body’s water.

While she was unable to find any information on the woman’s identity, she found the Crew Quarters Key on her person and headed back to the room she saw Chris, in meeting up with Parker there; entering it, they found out that it was only a dummy fashioned to look like Chris. Gas was then blasted into the room, knocking Jill and Parker unconscious. When Jill awoke, she found herself separated from Parker and on what appeared to be the passenger living quarters in the lower parts of the ship. Parker and Jill realized that their weapons had been taken and had to meet back up with each other to get them back. Several Ooze wander through the halls and rooms of the various parts of the passenger living quarters; Jill and Parker were forced to dodge and run past them in order to meet up with each other.

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100 Pokemon Facts

Bulbasaur is the only unevolved dual type starter Pokémon.Ivysaur is the only Generation I Pokémon whose name begins with the letter I.

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Venusaur is a combination of the words Venus which refers to the Venus Flytrap plant, and the Greek word saur, meaning lizard. charmander stuffed animal
Charmander is the tallest Fire-type starter Pokémon.
Charmeleon is capable of learning Leer in Generation I.
Charizard was voted as the favourite Pokémon by Official Nintendo Magazine readers in February 2012.

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Squirtle is the first Water-type Pokémon in National Pokédex.
Wartortle gets its name from a combination of war/warrior, tortoise, and turtle.
Blastoise has the highest base Special Defense of all fully evolved starter Pokémon.
Caterpie was the first Pokémon to be seen evolving in the animé.
Metapod is known as a Cocoon Pokémon. charmander stuffed animal
Butterfree has been trained by Trainers Ash, Drew, Ritchie and Solidad.
Weedle evolves at level 7, the lowest level required for any Pokémon to evolve by leveling up.
Kakuna has been shown evolving more than any other Pokémon in the animé.
Beedrill was originally going to be spelled with only one “L”.
Pidgey is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 251.
Pidgeotto was caught by Ash in Ash Catches a Pokémon. Since then, it was one of Ash’s main Pokémon. charmander stuffed animal
Pidgeot is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 469.
Rattata is the first pure Normal-type in National Pokédex order.
Raticate was classified as a Rat Pokémon in Pokémon Red and Blue, however, from Generation III onward, it is classified as a mouse.
Spearow is a combination of spear and sparrow or arrow.
Fearow weighs 38kg.
Ekans spells snake backwards, which is also Ekans’ species.
Arbok is the last Pokémon to be featured on the Kanto Pokérap.
Pikachu is voiced by Ikue Outani.
Raichu can be male or female, the difference in appearance is the female has smaller, blunted lightning bolt at the end of its tail.

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Sandshrew is based on an animal called the pangolin, it’s a mammal that curls up into a ball, has sharp claws, and lives in desert regions.
Sandslash evolves from Sandshrew from level 22. charmander stuffed animal
Nidoran♀ can lay eggs which have a chance of hatching into a Nidoran♂‚.
Nidorina are common in the Kanto region, but rare in Sinnoh.
Nidoqueen evolves from Nidorina when exposed to a Moon Stone.
Nidoran♂‚ made its first appearance in the animé in ‘Pokémon Fashion Flash‘.
Nidorino appeared in the very first episode, battling a Gengar in a battle Ash was watching on TV.
Nidoking, along with Nidoqueen are the only two Pokémon with a Poison/Ground type combination.
Clefairy was originally going to be the mascot of Pokémon instead of Pikachu.
Clefable is based on a fairy and pixie.
Vulpix was originally going to be called “Foxfire”.
Ninetales was misspelled as “Ninetails” in the Pokémon Trading Card Game for the Game Boy Color.
Jigglypuff is the only character to keep its original voice track through all three Super Smash Bros. games.
Wigglytuff is 1m tall, which is 3’03”.
Zubat does not have eyes. charmander stuffed animal
Golbat is the first Pokémon in the National Pokédex to gain a new evolution in a later generation.

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Oddish has a scientific name, which is Oddium Wanderus. It was first shown in the FireRed Pokédex entry.
Gloom is the only Pokémon to evolve into two different Pokémon with two different stones, other than Eevee.
Vileplume‘s species is Flower Pokémon.
Paras and its evolved form are the only Pokémon to have a 5x weakness due to the Ability Dry Skin.
Parasect has used Sleep Powder in the animé, however it cannot learn this in the games.
Venonat has red eyes and nose, however the shiny Venonat’s eyes and nose are blue.
Venomoth shares the same species name with Dustox. They are both known as Poison Moth Pokémon. charmander stuffed animal
Diglett has been shown to have no feet however it is mentioned as being one of the seven mysteries of Pokémon.
Dugtrio is the fastest Ground-type Pokémon.
Meowth is the first Pokémon in the animé to talk.
Persian‘s level-up moves are all Normal-type or Dark-type, except the move Power Gem.
Psyduck is the only Pokémon to learn Psychic by breeding.
Golduck is one of the few Pokémon that is obtainable in every game, including expansion games and remakes.
Mankey is the first Fighting-type Pokémon in National Pokédex order.
Primape‘s like to eat bananas.
Growlithe is a Puppy Pokémon, the only other Pokémon that has this species name is Lillipup. charmander stuffed animal
Arcanine is said to be capable of running over 6,200 miles in a single day and night.
Poliwag has the same cry as Ditto in the games.
Poliwhirl is the first Pokémon in National Pokédex order to evolve by trading while holding an item.
Poliwrath is a combination the word polliwog, which is a tadpole, and wrath, meaning anger.
Abra has the highest Special Attack of all unevolved Pokémon.
Kadabra is based on a magician and also a spoon-bender.
Alakazam‘s have a shorter moustache if they are female.
Machop can learn Strength, which is the only HM move it can learn.
Machoke weighs 70.5 kg. charmander stuffed animal
Machamp is one of the four Pokémon having a total of four arms.
Bellsprout eat insects and takes in nutrients from the soil.

Weepinbell first appeared in the animé in The School of Hard Knocks.
Victreebel and its pre-evolutions are based on carnivorous pitcher plants.
Tentacool is weak against Ground, Electric and Psychic type moves.
Tentacruel is said to have eighty tentacles, however only about ten are often seen.
Geodude are often shown to be floating, however it cannot have the Levitate Ability, and it can’t learn Magnet Rise.
Graveler‘s diet mainly consists of moss-covered rocks.
Golem are able to withdraw their head, arms, and legs into their shell and roll at high speeds. charmander stuffed animal
Ponyta in shiny form has blue flames.
Rapidash has no flames for a split second, in the first movie.
Slowpoke was originally going to be called “Slowmo”.
Slowbro and Slowking are the only Pokémon that can de-evolve in the anime.
Magnemite is the first Steel-type Pokémon in National Pokédex order.
Magneton has been used by more rival characters than any other Pokémon.
Farfetch’d is the only non-glitch Pokémon with an apostrophe in its name.
Doduo have brown necks if they are female and males have black necks.
Dodrio is based on the dodo, a flightless bird, however it is able to learn Fly.
Seel is the only non-Ice-type Pokémon to have the Ice Body Ability.
Dewgong is the first Ice Pokémon in National Pokédex order.
Grimer is one of two Pokémon who don’t change weight during evolution, the other is Gastly. charmander stuffed animal

Muk is tied with Mew for the shortest English name out of all Pokémon.
Shellder learns Hydro Pump at level 61. princess peach action figure
Cloyster is the only Ice-type Pokémon in the purple colour group.
Gastly and its evolution Haunter are the lightest Pokémon in existence.
Haunter has a slightly different cry starting in Generation III.
Gengar is theorised to be a shadow of a Clefable.
Onix is the longest Pokémon that can hatch from an Egg.
Drowzee is based on the Japanese myth of the baku, creatures who eat bad dreams of sleeping people. charmander stuffed animal
Hypno in shiny form is purple/pink in colour.
Krabby can grow back its pincers in a short amount of time if they are lost during battle.
Kingler mainly eat Shellder for their diet.
Voltorb has the lowest Attack stat of all Electric-type Pokémon.

6 Things You Never Knew About Legend of Zelda Link to the Past

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It has been over 25 years since A Link to the Past was released, and is still often regarded by gamers as one of the best Zelda games ever created. This was the game that introduced many concepts to the Zelda game that are now staples, and it’s the game that really solidified the Zelda experience with many gamers. A Link to the Past has remained an iconic game and and a staple among Zelda fans, and it was considered revolutionary for its time. With an emotional beginning and the game’s many dungeons, great items, fun gameplay, and interesting characters, what’s not to love about this game? link stuffed animal

With all the time gamers have spent with this game, it makes sense that they’ve found several tricks, secrets, and interesting glitches in the game. From obscure references to bizarre programming glitches, this game has quite a bit to offer. So we decided to look for some secrets you may not know about A Link to the Past! link stuffed animal

Did you know any of these facts? Some of these facts you may be familiar with, while others may surprise you. Do you have any other tricks you know about this game? If you do, be sure to let us know in the comment section below.

Legend of Zelda Cuddly Toy

1/ The Catfish In The Swamp Of Evil Is Based On Japanese Folklore

Many elements of games, especially creatures, will often get inspiration from some type of folklore or story. The game creators had to get inspiration from somewhere. This is especially true for fantasy games that are dealing with a lot of unusual creatures and monsters. Why create something from scratch when you can borrow an idea? link stuffed animal

In A Link to the Past, the catfish that resides in the Swamp of Evil is actually based of a creature from an 18th century Japanese tale about the catfish Namazu. This creature would wiggle its body in the water, bringing chaos and destruction to the land. The rocks that you see sticking out of the swamp surrounding the catfish in the game represent Namazu’s prison. It’s a great reference to a more obscure folklore tale.

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2/ You Can Get A Blue Shield

While A Link to the Past doesn’t give you much choice in customizing your equipment’s appearance, there is one trick you can do. While you normally possess a red shield throughout the game, you can actually get a blue one. All you need is your red shield and an Ether medallion. Here’s what you need to do. link stuffed animal princess peach figure

You need to go find a Pinket (those enemies that try to eat you and end up eating your shield). When you face it, make sure you use the Ether medallion. Let the Pinket take your shield. Once it has your shield, kill it. Your shield will reappear and once you pick it back up, it will turn blue. If you want to turn your shield back to red, just use the same process again. While this doesn’t change the properties of the shield itself, it is a fun trick for gamers that want to change up the look of their shield in a game that doesn’t really leave much room for personalization. link stuffed animal

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3/ The Japanese Release Of The Game Had A Different Title

In the original release of the game, the title read Legend of Zelda: Triforce of the Gods. This title makes sense since the game does talk about the triforce, which is essentially a gift of power from the gods to the people in the game. It’s the symbol of ultimate power.

However, religious representation in entertainment in America can be a little tricky. As a result, Western versions of this game changed the title so that no issues with regarding religion would come up. In this case, the Western release of the game decided to take out the “Gods” part, to avoid any issues with religious symbolism, naming, etc. They also thought that the American audience would like the title A Link to the Past better. It seems a little ridiculous, but you can’t really blame them for being too careful. link stuffed animal

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4/ You Can Fight Agahnim With The Bug-Catching Net

In a battle towards the end of the game, you are facing off against Agahnim, a powerful sorcerer that is trying to bring Ganon back. This is the result of everything that you’ve been fighting for, so you know that Agahnim will be tough. Part of this battle with the dark wizard involves you having to dodge and deflect magical projectiles that he shoots at you. If you deflect them back to him, it weakens him, letting you move in to attack.

Normally, you would use the Master Sword to deflect these projectiles. However, gamers have discovered that you can use the Bug-Catching Net, a fun, but non-essential item in your inventory. Since the net acts in a similar swiping motion that your sword does, you can use them to deflect the Agahnim’s attacks. link stuffed animal

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5/ This Was The First Game To Introduce Cuccos

The Cuccos are a surprisingly useful animal that Link has often used to get to unreachable places, and a great source of hilarity. The best thing about the Cuccos was their special move. If you had Link attack a Cucco enough times, the Cucco would call out to its friends for help, and then you were bombarded by countless Cuccos. They would keep hurting you until you either ran out of health and died, or you managed to escape inside a building. This is both a hilarious and slightly creepy element of the game. link stuffed animal

What you may not know is that A Link to the Past was the first game to introduce the Cuccos to the franchise, as well as the Cucco Revenge Squad. Thanks to this game, we can attack Cuccos however much we want.

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6/ There Are Three “Invisible” Enemies In The Swamp Of Evil

Have you been in the Swamp of Evil and have gotten hurt, but found there were no enemies nearby? You were likely hit by one of the three “invisible” enemies in the swamp. link stuffed animal

There are three enemies in the swamp that do not properly load in the game, essentially rendering them invisible. These enemies are Ku, which you can find in the dungeon located in the Swamp of Evil. While you can’t see them, they can still hurt you if you come into contact with them. The glitch likely happened due to these types of enemies were only programmed to function in deep water, which likely means the terrain was different during development, or the enemies were replaced. This glitch in the game makes for an interesting experience in the Swamp of Evil. link stuffed animal


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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Princess Peach

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Princess Peach Action Figure

You might know her as Princess Toadstool, but she likes to be called Peach today.

And that’s the subject of today’s article: The mysterious life of Princess Peach. Sure, she’s in nearly every modern Mario title and she’s always getting kidnapped by King Koopa, but do we REALLY know her?

It would seem not because Peach has got it – in terms of a bunch of secrets. Here are five things you may not have known about Princess Toadstool…er…we mean Peach:

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1. Princess Peach is based on Olive Oyl from Popeye

You may or may not be familiar with the classic cartoon series Popeye but it has much the same format as the Mario games.

Popeye is our hero, our Mario if you will, and Bluto is the Bowser of the series. Bluto has a fascination with kidnapping the hapless (and helpless) Olive Oyl. This often forms the basis for many episodes of the Popeye cartoon.

Need we say more?

Thankfully Peach isn’t half as pathetic or annoying as Olive Oil is typically portrayed as being.

2. Peach Has Magical Powers

Apparently Peach has some powerful magic at her command. In the original Super Mario Bros game, Peach is kidnapped by Bowser not only because he wants to take over the Mushroom Kingdom, but also because Peach is the only person in the world with the magic capable of defeating him.

If you will recall, Bowser transformed all of the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom into the bricks and blocks Mario bashes his head on so, if Peach could reverse that, her magic is really powerful indeed. Super Mario Toys

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3. Princess Peach it on the Forbes’ List of the Richest Video Game Characters

Those gold coins that litter the landscape in Super Mario Bros. games might be breadcrumbs left by Peach for Mario to find her if Forbes’ estimates of her person wealth are to be trusted. The magazine ranked her as one of the wealthiest fictional characters alongside Scrooge McDuck and Bruce Wayne. Legend of Zelda Plush Toy


4. Peach has starred in More Mario Games Than Any Other Female Character

Peach has starred in more Mario titles than any other female Mario character. This probably doesn’t shock many people – until you look at just how many Mario games there are out there. We’re not talking about just the mainline series, but the whole universe. Time and time again, Peach is typically part of the cast of characters on tap, making her a stalwart of the franchise. Super Mario Odyssey Cappy Hat

super-mario-odyssey-peach-figure-amiibo5. Peach Had A Royal Fiancé

Super Mario Bros.: The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach! made its debut in 1986 and it was the first movie based on a video game. Mario is watching television when he sees Princess Peach. She is in trouble and trying to escape her enemies. Kibidango, a small dog, leads the brothers into the Mushroom Kingdom. The movie is similar to the games where Mario and Luigi must help rescue the Princess from Bowser. Not only must they rescue her, but they restore Kibidango to his true form, Prince Haru of the Flower Kingdom. After the reunion, the Prince tells the brothers he is betrothed to Princess Peach and it is their fate to marry. Having fallen in love with Peach, Mario is heartbroken by the news. He and Luigi return to their world.


Captain America Action Figure

Captain America Nendoroid Figure

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Captain America Nendoroid Figure

captain america action figure

5 Fun Facts About Captain America!

1. He was originally going to be called Super American. It doesn’t quite have the same effect does it?

2. His shield was originally star shaped. Yes, the famous circular shield actually started off as a star.

3. He was the first superhero in the Marvel universe. The famed hero was created to be the ultimate soldier.

4. The original issue got a lot of hate mail. The first issue of Captain America featured the hero going up against German soldiers. Considering the era it was released, this likely doesn’t surprise many people. The problem was that America had not yet gone to war with Germany and there were plenty of people in the US who felt they weren’t our enemies. This led to hate mail and eventually Marvel had armed guards patrolling outside its building.

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5. He was President of the United States. Although this character of the beloved comic was created in 1941 and since then has faced historical figures such as Adolf Hitler, the challenge of the Presidency of the United States was something entirely new to him. With this new adventure, readers had the opportunity to see how one of the most powerful heroes on Earth took control of the most powerful country in the world, albeit in an unusual way. According to its creators, Steve Rogers was not a traditional president, since his work moved away from political speeches and meetings behind closed doors.

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Another peculiarity of this new president was that he did not come from any political party, but accepted the position “as part of his duty.” He must have found a way to protect his country, both as president and as a superhero, a completely new challenge so far. It went on sale in the series “Comics Ultimates,” in which Steve Rogers took possession of his position and faced a new mortal villain. When duty called, there was nothing that could have stopped Captain America from fulfilling his duty: stepping up to the plate and confronting evil in the most heroic way.

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7 Things You Never Knew About Iron Man

7 Things You Never Knew About Iron Man

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Once considered a less popular Marvel character, Iron Man’s fame blasted when he made his movie debut played by Robert Downey, Jr. in the 2008 motion picture which started the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Created in 1963, Tony Stark had dependably been very much enjoyed by comic book fans; however Jon Favreau and Kevin Feige’s dangerous throwing choice paid off bigly for the character in all types of media. Iron Man might now even be greater than Spider-Man, which you’ll understand why when we discuss the 10 Iron Man facts that you never knew.

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Iron Man’s ascent from lack of clarity has been a snappy one, and nobody could have speculated 10 years back that he would be a character who has a sufficiently major effect in the cinema world to guarantee Marvel pays Downey, Jr. a crazy measure of cash to keep him on board. Be that as it may, in spite of being around for a long while, he’s sure to have a couple of insider facts concealed in his exoskeleton. Thus, go along with us as we take a gander at 10 things you never knew about Iron Man.

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1. 53 Iron Man Suits Have Been Built Till Date

Among many little-known Iron Man facts one is that in Earth-616 Marvel Comics progression, Tony Stark has made 53 diverse Iron Man suits! Then again, this number just incorporates reinforces that are implied only for Tony Stark’s Iron Man. Altogether, there are 68 suits of covering! This number incorporates the War Machine coverings and additionally Pepper Pott’s suit named ‘Salvage’, Spiderman‘s Iron Spider suit, and the reinforces of a few of Iron Man’s enemies. (For the individuals who don’t have the foggiest idea, Earth-616 is the fundamental Marvel Comics coherence line). Iron Man protective layer in substitute universes frequently fill the same needs as their Earth-616 partners, and generally have the same name too.

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2. Stan Lee Didn’t Write His First Appearance

Despite the fact that Stan Lee came up with the idea for a “quintessential capitalist” hero and many of the traits which have stuck with Iron Man over the years, he didn’t actually write the story in Tales of Suspense #39 which introduced Tony Stark to the Marvel Universe.

The writer was juggling so many books at the time, he was forced to hand over writing duties to Larry Lieber, so it was him along with artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby who all played a key role in the character’s creation. The latter two are actually credited with coming up with the look of Tony, his armor, and the majority of his supporting cast too.

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3. Tom Cruise was almost Iron Man

Thinking of anyone else playing Iron Man other than Robert Downey Jr. is almost impossible to imagine. The actor made the character, and anyone else would pale in comparison. But before Downey Jr. dawned the suit, Tom Cruise was approached to play the character; he ultimately turned it down.

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4. The Iron Man suit once had a nose
In the mid-70’s, legendary comic creator Stan Lee asked why Iron Man didn’t have a nose and required he start having one. Then, years later, Stan Lee went back on his decision and told them to remove it.

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5. Howard Hughes was the blueprint for Tony Stark

Out of all the superheroes in the Marvel cannon, Iron Man is one of the only characters us mere mortals have a shot at emulating. Why? It’s simple! Our Tony is not a mutant and doesn’t have any any special powers he can call his own, but what he does have is a very special suit that could potentially transform even the geekiest of geeks into an iron plated god and emperor of the skies.

Yet at the shrapnel ravaged centre of his heart, Tony Stark is but a mere human. That’s not to say he isn’t a bit fruity and more eccentric than an upside down house. So it’s not really surprising to learn that the character is based upon a man Stan Lee has described as, “One of the most colorful men of our time. He was an inventor, an adventurer, a multi-billionaire, a ladies’ man and finally a nutcase.” Lee, of course, is talking about billionaire recluse Howard Hughes. Like Stark, Hughes was also an industrialist who developed new weapons technologies. Fortunately Iron Man has yet to manifest the mental health issues which blighted Hughes’s latter years in a big way.

6. Iron Man is a raging alcoholic, but disney are in denial

In the Iron Man films, it’s quite obvious that Tony stark enjoys a tipple or two. In Iron Man 2 there was a suggestion that although Stark was no slave to the bottle, he was still a heavy drinker. But don’t expect Stark’s swagger and style to disappear into the bottom of a glass of whiskey anytime soon, because Disney are in denial about Tony’s long term battle with the booze.

Seasoned fans of the comic will know that Iron Man has a serious drinking problem. The Demon in a Bottle storyline has long been regarded as the classic Iron Man story and integral to a true understanding of the character. Stark’s alcoholism is and continues to be a defining part of what makes Iron Man popular. In the comic books Tony has fallen off the wagon on a number of occasions during the years, and Iron Man 3 screenwriters Shane Black and Drew Pearce were keen for Stark to battle something a little more deadly than the Mandarin in the last movie, but Disney felt alcohol doesn’t really make for the most memorable villain and it wouldn’t be appropriate for children to see Iron Man enslaved by the sweaty squalor and depraved desperation of addiction. Which is a shame because when it comes to such a topic, Robert Downey Jr would almost certainly have been able to bring something extra to the table.

7. Iron Man joined guardians of the galaxy and was director of S.H.I.E.L.D

The Avengers aren’t the only superhero team that Iron Man has been associated with. Years after assembling an outfit that included the Hulk, Thor, Wasp, and Ant-Man, Iron Man joined Guardians of the Galaxy following Marvel’s decision to relaunch their comic book series on the back of the hugely successful 2014 movie.

In an opportunistic or cynical manner, depending on your point of view, Marvel introduced Iron Man to the Guardians of the Galaxy team to drum up extra interest. Speculation is rife as to a possible outer space team up between Iron Man and the space boys in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, though it’s unconfirmed as of now. In 2007, Iron Man also became Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, proving once again what a very popular boy our Tony is. As of yet however, he has no plans to join One Direction.

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Princess Peach

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Let’s take a look at the central figure in the Super Mario series, Princess Peach. Every game usually involves Bowser kidnapping Princess Peach and Super Mario Odyssey has been no exception.

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Princess Peach (originally called Princess Toadstool outside of Japan on the NES and SNES) is one of the main characters in the Super Mario game series. Princess Peach rules over the Mushroom Kingdom. Peach’s first appearance was in Super Mario Bros. She was originally created by Shigeru Miyamoto to be the damsel-in-distress , something that has continued throughout most of the Super Mario games. She lives in her castle along with many Toads, who act as her loyal servants. Her kingdom is often attacked by the Koopa Troop, a group led by Bowser. Peach is the love interest of Super Mario.

Peach is usually depicted in the colour pink, something that has become part of her trademark style. Peach’s gentle nature and role as the damsel are often represented with her heart abilities and princess emblems. Peach’s initial design was said to represent her stubborn, yet cute, appearance.

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Since her first appearance, Princess Peach has appeared in all the Super Mario games for over three decades. Peach is occasionally a supporting character in mainstream games, and almost always playable in spin-off instalments. Her most prominent appearance to date is as the heroine of Super Princess Peach.

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Peach’s Character Design
Before Yoichi Kotabe conceived Peach’s finalised character design, a couple of prototype designs were created for the character. One such design, seen on the Super Mario Bros. Japanese box art, shows her with a long-sleeved dress, no gloves, strawberry-blonde hair, and crown jewels with no distinct coloration. Another early version in the 1987 Japanese strategy guide ‘How to Win at Super Mario Bros’., portrays her as a Toad rather than as a human, having a mushroom cap instead of natural hair, plus a plain tiara and a gown reminiscent of Aurora from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, who she somewhat currently resembles.

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Is it Princess Toadstool or Princess Peach?
In Japan, her name has always been Princess Peach (ピーチ姫 Pīchi-hime), but in the west she was originally known as “Princess Toadstool”, due to Nintendo of America renaming her when localising Super Mario Bros., feeling that “Peach” was irrelevant to the theme of the Mushroom Kingdom. Despite this, one episode of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show did have the character refer to herself once as “Princess P.” in what was apparently an indirect reference to her original name. In 1993, the English version of Yoshi’s Safari marked the first time that the name “Princess Peach” was used outside of Japan, but the name did not catch on for western players until it was used again in Super Mario 64. Games such as Super Mario Kart 64 use Peach as her prominent name. Certain contemporary sources reconcile the two names by listing her full name as “Peach Toadstool”

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The Super Mario Bros. instalment was Peach’s debut appearance. Bowser invades the Mushroom Kingdom, transforms its inhabitants into various objects, and kidnaps Peach so she cannot reverse his spell. Mario and Luigi go to rescue her. After they defeat Bowser, the brothers rescue Toadstool. In the Super Mario All-Stars and Super Mario Bros. Deluxe versions, Toadstool also gave her hero a kiss on the cheek. Depending on the version, where she was found also varied. In the original game as well as the Deluxe version, she was merely found on the floor behind the destroyed bridge. In All-Stars, she is instead found in a cage dangling above a lava pit.

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5 Reasons Why Super Mario Odyssey is My Favourite Game of All Time!

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1. Personality
This is probably the most charming Mario game to date. Nintendo have really gone out of their way to give every character a real personality and it really helps immerse the gamer in the adventure.

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2. Humour
Through out the game you get a sense that the developers at Nintendo were have a lot of fun making the game. From the first time you throw Cappy at a T-rex only to see that comical moustache appear on the fearsome creature to the playful retro 2d sections you are sure to be left with a smile on your face. Nintendo have turned play into an art. They are able to engage everyone from experienced gamers who have been smashing game pads for over 30 years to 8 years meeting the plucky plumber for the first.


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3. Cappy
Cappy at first seemed like a tired gimmick. Oh look Mario has a throwing hat, many experienced gamers were unimpressed at the idea, but once we got our hands on Odyssey and start to get a feel for the new game play few were left with complaints. Instead Cappy has made Mario exploration of his word more playful, making gamers question whats possible and how best to interact with enemies and objects. Cappy has grown on gamers to the point that people are beginning to wonder if he’s not to become a permanent part of the franchise, his exclusion in future Mario games is sure to leave a few sad faces.

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4. The Attention to Detail
Odyssey is crammed full of references to old Mario games. This kind of fun nostalgia always gives gamers a warm fuzzy feeling as they are taking back to memories of being 12 years old on Christmas day sitting fixated on the blocky red and blue pixels bouncing around the screen. The love for the franchise is evident from the developers as they have sought to make every area in the game thoughtful and fun, encourage exploration and creative thinking. I constantly found myself wandering off int a corner only to find a mysterious entrance to a coin filled cave.

5. The Music
At first I was not a huge fan of the sound track I felt it seemed to much like a movie soundtrack. I wanted more computer game style midi beats. As I played through the game the music help set a sense of wonder as I entered jungles, Ice caves or flaming lava pits. There is a slickness to Odyssey that few game developer could ever pull of and a big part of it was the music composition.

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So much of the pitch for Super Mario Odyssey had me unexcited and looking at the Mario series as a tired out-of-date franchise. It was only after getting hold of a Switch that I started to realise how wrong I was; Nintendo are still alive and kicking with a wealth of talented people who are creating some of the best gaming experiences ever!

5 Things You Never Knew About Rick and Morty

The creative duo behind Rick and Morty, Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, met each other through Channel 101, Harmon’s film festival. Roiland would submit work for the festival that were “intended to just shock people” but that Harmon found to be hilarious.



When Adult Swim contacted Harmon to create a 30-minute animated series for the network, he thought Roiland’s sensibilities would be a perfect fit for the network because, as Harmon put it, “He is the target for a lot of their stuff. And he’s also, like me, really passionate about story and franchise.”

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The idea behind Rick and Morty spun out of one of Roiland’s earlier Channel 101 ideas called The Real Animated Adventures of Doc and Mharti. The relationship between Rick and Morty has always taken cues from Doc Brown and Marty McFly from Back to the Future, but Roiland’s first take on the idea really drove this point home with a twist. At this point in his career, Roiland was simply daring lawyers to come after him, and nothing exemplified his attitude more than his X-rated Doc and Marty shorts:


“I actually made this as a way to poke fun at the idea of getting cease and desist letters. At the time (October 2006) I had nothing to lose and my original intention was to call this ‘back to the future: the new official universal studios cartoon featuring the new Doc Brown and Marty McFly’ and then I’d just sit back and wait for a letter from their lawyers to arrive. That’s actually why it’s so filthy. I was just looking to ‘troll’ a big studio.”

Even though Rick and Morty’s final show is much removed from the litigious (and public relations) problems that Roiland’s original cartoon had, he says, “some of the raw energy behind the voice performances is sort of still intact, especially for Rick. That’s the beginning of it.”


Though you can enjoy Rick and Morty simply as a whacky cartoon show with some adult humour, you can also look deeper into the human condition and wrestle with the existence of god itself through these characters. Harmon, in a video promoting the show’s second season, talked about how the series is constantly searching for some sort of meaning in the meaninglessness of life.


One of the main conflicts, according to Harmon, is the idea of the creator against the created. This is seen in Rick’s apathy toward his own creations throughout the show, like Abradolf Lincler, Rick’s half-Lincoln, half-Hitler experiment that’s hell-bent on revenge. Harmon calls Rick “The seam between god and man,” and his nihilistic apathy toward his own creations is echoed in Joseph Campbell’s belief that god is an impersonal cosmic force.

On a more cheerful note, Harmon disagrees with Rick’s sentiment that nothing really matters, saying that type of philosophy “gets you nowhere.”

Rick and Morty’s theme tune is classic sci-fi, and to get the familiar, otherworldly synth sound of the genre, the creators looked to both Doctor Who and Farscape for inspiration. When asked about the show’s music in an interview with , Roiland said:

“The theme song is written by the guy who wrote the Wizards of Waverly Place theme song, who is a very good friend of mine. I told him I was a big fan of Farscape and that I wanted to combine Farscape’s theme with Doctor Who’s theme, and that’s basically what our theme song is. It’s this amazing original piece that takes the best aspects of those two themes and mashes them together. Super Sci-Fi.”


The original version of the theme can be heard in Roiland’s debut at Adult Swim with a cartoon called Dog World.

Burping is a trademark of Rick’s character, but Roiland told Entertainment Weekly that the inspiration for it was a complete accident:

“In 2006, or something, I was recording the voices for this short The Real Animated Adventures of Doc and Mharti. I was having fun doing these really crappy Doc Brown and Marty McFly impressions. During the middle of a line a burp came out naturally. It was just so funny and gross. I was like, ‘Well, let’s see if I can do that again for a couple more lines.’ Then, with Rick and Morty, Dan [Harmon, the show’s co-creator] was like, ‘Hey, Adult Swim wants to do a show, do you have any ideas?’ I said, ‘Well, what about these two voices?’ Right out of the gate, the burping was part of it.”

Though Rick accents many a conversation with a characteristic burp, Roiland actually has a hard time getting so gassy. He basically tells the audio engineer to keep the recording going as he drinks “a low-calorie beer and a bottle of water” to get the effect right.

Super Mario Odyssey

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5 Things that make Super Mario Odyssey a Great Game!

Nintendo’s Super Mario Odyssey for the Switch is one of the best games of the last 12 months. It has seen the little Italian plumber catapulted back into the centre stage of the computer game industry where he belongs. In an age of open world 3rd person adventure games and MMO many people were beginning to wonder if Nintendo could really keep the Super Mario series alive and fresh to new generations of gamers. I’m going to give 5 great reasons why Nintendo have hit another home run and why this plucky little Italian plumber isn’t going anywhere just yet. – Super Mario Odyssey Action Figures.

Odyssey is beautiful and vibrant, full of clever new ideas. Mario can possesses enemies with the use of his new friend Cappy. Here are some of the things that are sure to make Super Mario Odyssey another classic!

1. Mario Cappy Hat

Mario can use his hat to take control of characters and objects. At one point, I took over a Bullet Bill — the evil looking sentient flying cannon shell that’s become a familiar site in the series —  to help hover over a perilous gap. Later, I even took over a pedestrian of New Donk City (its proportions are comically realistic compared to Mario) to drive his RC car. I could also possess a bendy pole to help propel myself to distant platforms.


It’s a lot of fun too see what you can take over with your hat and how it can help you as you discover each new level. You can also use the hat as a short-ranged attack – it’s always fun to slap a mushroom in the face with your hat :P. If you hold down the attack button, it’ll float ahead of you for a second acting as an extra jumping platform, something that adds a whole new approach to level design and forces the gamer to think creatively about progressing through the levels.

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These new features are what make Super Mario Odyssey stand out from its predecessors, much like the gravity gameplay in the Super Mario Galaxy games for the Wii . I’m excited to see just how creative Nintendo gets with the whole Cappy hat possession mechanic.

2. Coins as Currency

You can’t have a Super Mario game without coins, but their purpose has changed from game-to-game. If you collect 100 of them in most Super Mario games, it gave you an extra 1up. In Super Mario 64, getting 100 coins in each level gave you a Star. Collecting Stars were necessary to beat that game.

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Sometimes, coins are currency, such as in in the Mario role-playing games like Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi, this is how coins work in Super Mario Odyssey. Bowser Amiibo Figure Wedding.

There are two types of coins. The gold pieces are universal, but the purple are rarer and unique to specific levels (each world has 100). You can use these at stores to unlock items such as Moons (this game’s equivalent of Stars) or new fun outfits for Mario.

The yellow coins also replace the old 1up system. Mario no longer has lives. Instead, dying just takes away some of your currency. So, if you’re saving up for some fancy outfit, you really want to stay alive.

3. Super Mario Fashion Show

Nintendo have had a lot of fun creating loads of new quirky outfits for Mario to play with. I bought a suit for Mario that made him look like an old Chicago gangster. I was also able to equip a brown adventure outfit. These clothes didn’t give Super Mario any new abilities, but I love being able to dress Mario up in different styles – some of the new gear is hilarious and often a reference to old games. He even retains these looks in the 2D sections, which revert back to Mario’s classic 8-bit look – also another great touch for retro fans.

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Nintendo did note that some outfits will give new moves that help Mario reach new areas. That’s been a feature in the series since the first Super Mario Bros., where touching a flower would give Mario a different-colored outfit and let him shoot out fireballs. We could see something similar in Super Mario Odyssey.

4. The Map

It’s strange to play a Super Mario game that has a map screen. It feels like I’m playing something like GTA or Assassin’s Creed. You can also touch flagpoles and activate them as fast-travel points.

It’s convenient, but I also I love how the map looks. It’s like a travel brochure, with the map in the middle and tourist information on the side giving you information about the city. This is the kind of Nintendo stuff that keeps me coming back to Super Mario — taking something mundane like an in-game map and making it fun.

5. Exploring the Open World

Super Mario Odyssey is the most open games since the GameCube’s Super Mario Sunshine. It encourages players to run around and explore, and it has a lot to explore. New Donk City is a great example. I spent 10 mins running around the level, and I spent most of it discovering new areas and secret paths, or trying to use Mario’s acrobatic moves to reach distant places.

As much as I adore the Galaxy games, it’s more linear levels made them lack this sense of discovery. I love reaching some high place, checking out my surroundings, and noticing a dozen different places I want to investigate.

For those still in doubt over Nintendo’s relevance in the gaming industry games like Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey make it very hard to bet against them. Every aspect of these games has an attention to detail and love of the craft build in. I’m sure Nintendo will be around long after gamers have tired of GTA10 and Assassin’s Creed 13 – The Secret of Ezio’s Panini.