6 Things You Never Knew About Legend of Zelda Link to the Past

It has been over 25 years since A Link to the Past was released, and is still often regarded by gamers as one of the best Zelda games ever created. This was the game that introduced many concepts to the Zelda game that are now staples, and it’s the game that really solidified the Zelda experience with many gamers. A Link to the Past has remained an iconic game and and a staple among Zelda fans, and it was considered revolutionary for its time. With an emotional beginning and the game’s many dungeons, great items, fun gameplay, and interesting characters, what’s not to love about this game? link stuffed animal

With all the time gamers have spent with this game, it makes sense that they’ve found several tricks, secrets, and interesting glitches in the game. From obscure references to bizarre programming glitches, this game has quite a bit to offer. So we decided to look for some secrets you may not know about A Link to the Past! link stuffed animal

Did you know any of these facts? Some of these facts you may be familiar with, while others may surprise you. Do you have any other tricks you know about this game? If you do, be sure to let us know in the comment section below.

Legend of Zelda Cuddly Toy

1/ The Catfish In The Swamp Of Evil Is Based On Japanese Folklore

Many elements of games, especially creatures, will often get inspiration from some type of folklore or story. The game creators had to get inspiration from somewhere. This is especially true for fantasy games that are dealing with a lot of unusual creatures and monsters. Why create something from scratch when you can borrow an idea? link stuffed animal

In A Link to the Past, the catfish that resides in the Swamp of Evil is actually based of a creature from an 18th century Japanese tale about the catfish Namazu. This creature would wiggle its body in the water, bringing chaos and destruction to the land. The rocks that you see sticking out of the swamp surrounding the catfish in the game represent Namazu’s prison. It’s a great reference to a more obscure folklore tale.

legend of zelda link plush

2/ You Can Get A Blue Shield

While A Link to the Past doesn’t give you much choice in customizing your equipment’s appearance, there is one trick you can do. While you normally possess a red shield throughout the game, you can actually get a blue one. All you need is your red shield and an Ether medallion. Here’s what you need to do. link stuffed animal princess peach figure

You need to go find a Pinket (those enemies that try to eat you and end up eating your shield). When you face it, make sure you use the Ether medallion. Let the Pinket take your shield. Once it has your shield, kill it. Your shield will reappear and once you pick it back up, it will turn blue. If you want to turn your shield back to red, just use the same process again. While this doesn’t change the properties of the shield itself, it is a fun trick for gamers that want to change up the look of their shield in a game that doesn’t really leave much room for personalization. link stuffed animal

link cuddly toy

3/ The Japanese Release Of The Game Had A Different Title

In the original release of the game, the title read Legend of Zelda: Triforce of the Gods. This title makes sense since the game does talk about the triforce, which is essentially a gift of power from the gods to the people in the game. It’s the symbol of ultimate power.

However, religious representation in entertainment in America can be a little tricky. As a result, Western versions of this game changed the title so that no issues with regarding religion would come up. In this case, the Western release of the game decided to take out the “Gods” part, to avoid any issues with religious symbolism, naming, etc. They also thought that the American audience would like the title A Link to the Past better. It seems a little ridiculous, but you can’t really blame them for being too careful. link stuffed animal

zelda plush toy

4/ You Can Fight Agahnim With The Bug-Catching Net

In a battle towards the end of the game, you are facing off against Agahnim, a powerful sorcerer that is trying to bring Ganon back. This is the result of everything that you’ve been fighting for, so you know that Agahnim will be tough. Part of this battle with the dark wizard involves you having to dodge and deflect magical projectiles that he shoots at you. If you deflect them back to him, it weakens him, letting you move in to attack.

Normally, you would use the Master Sword to deflect these projectiles. However, gamers have discovered that you can use the Bug-Catching Net, a fun, but non-essential item in your inventory. Since the net acts in a similar swiping motion that your sword does, you can use them to deflect the Agahnim’s attacks. link stuffed animal

wind waker plush

5/ This Was The First Game To Introduce Cuccos

The Cuccos are a surprisingly useful animal that Link has often used to get to unreachable places, and a great source of hilarity. The best thing about the Cuccos was their special move. If you had Link attack a Cucco enough times, the Cucco would call out to its friends for help, and then you were bombarded by countless Cuccos. They would keep hurting you until you either ran out of health and died, or you managed to escape inside a building. This is both a hilarious and slightly creepy element of the game. link stuffed animal

What you may not know is that A Link to the Past was the first game to introduce the Cuccos to the franchise, as well as the Cucco Revenge Squad. Thanks to this game, we can attack Cuccos however much we want.

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6/ There Are Three “Invisible” Enemies In The Swamp Of Evil

Have you been in the Swamp of Evil and have gotten hurt, but found there were no enemies nearby? You were likely hit by one of the three “invisible” enemies in the swamp. link stuffed animal

There are three enemies in the swamp that do not properly load in the game, essentially rendering them invisible. These enemies are Ku, which you can find in the dungeon located in the Swamp of Evil. While you can’t see them, they can still hurt you if you come into contact with them. The glitch likely happened due to these types of enemies were only programmed to function in deep water, which likely means the terrain was different during development, or the enemies were replaced. This glitch in the game makes for an interesting experience in the Swamp of Evil. link stuffed animal


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